Thursday, July 8, 2010


Summer can be a challenging time for maintaining patience. With the sun shining outside (well, not this week...) and the exciting buzz in the air we sometimes feel like we have to rush, rush, rush to have fun before school starts again. One of our goals for the summer is to be patient both as general rule and with each other. For example, if someone isn't playing the Wii game the way you want them to, there is no need to get mad, mumble some nasty comment, and snatch the controller from them so you can play their character the way you want to. Instead, try a deep breath and talking through it in a calm voice, maybe even give the other person some pointers, especially if you are an expert Wii player. Share the love!! (now how many kids want to call me a hippie?)


Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Happy Third Wednesday!

We have had two days of overcast foggy days.  It even rained Tuesday...
Not at all typical for Santa Cruz... oh what fun!

We'll be traveling to the beach today.  The camera is charging and we'll be posting
photographs when we return.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Happy 4th of July!

We will be off Monday July 5th.
Have a great 4th of July weekend and we
will see you Tuesday.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Pictures from Week Two

Look at all the fun learning! Summer School is such a wonderful time...
See if you can find a picture you like and write a comment.

Latest Pictures < look here